so last Friday our office buzzed with holiday spirit as we gathered for the annual secret santa the air was thick with anticipation and someone had thoughtfully ordered pizza which of course no one touched because we were all too focused on the gift exchange as people unwrapped their presents A Chorus of laughter erupted followed by an oddly familiar tune to everyone's shock every single gift was the same a singing fish plaque apparently we'd all had the same brilliant idea the room became a symphony of off key Renditions of don't worry be happy and as we mounted our identical fish on the walls then Jim from accounting always the showman seized the moment he grabbed the plaques and started orchestrating an impromptu talent show each Fish singing a different verse our laughter echoed down the Halls louder than any holiday Carol as we packed up I couldn't resist telling the team well I guess you
so last Friday our office buzzed with holiday spirit as we gathered for the annual secret santa the air was thick with anticipation and someone had thoughtfully ordered pizza which of course no one touched because we were all too focused on the gift exchange as people unwrapped their presents A Chorus of laughter erupted followed by an oddly familiar tune to everyone's shock every single gift was the same a singing fish plaque apparently we'd all had the same brilliant idea the room became a symphony of off key Renditions of don't worry be happy and as we mounted our identical fish on the walls then Jim from accounting always the showman seized the moment he grabbed the plaques and started orchestrating an impromptu talent show each Fish singing a different verse our laughter echoed down the Halls louder than any holiday Carol as we packed up I couldn't resist telling the team well I guess you
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