there exists a lighthouse whose beam is invisible to the living casting its glow only for lost souls seeking their way back home this spectral Beacon stands on a remote Cliff shrouded in Mist where it silently guides those caught between worlds offering a path of Hope to the forlorn Legend Whispers that its light is powered by the energy of Forgotten Dreams and unfulfilled promises pulsating with a rhythm that resonates only with those in need Sailors and Wanderers who have drifted too far from their destined paths find solace in its ethereal glow a comforting presence in the shadowy realm they inhabit the Lighthouse Keeper an enigmatic figure Bound by an ancient vow tends to this mystical light ensuring it never falters while the lighthouse remains a mere silhouette to the living its true Brilliance is a beacon of salvation for the lost a testament to the enduring power of home and Hope
there exists a lighthouse whose beam is invisible to the living casting its glow only for lost souls seeking their way back home this spectral Beacon stands on a remote Cliff shrouded in Mist where it silently guides those caught between worlds offering a path of Hope to the forlorn Legend Whispers that its light is powered by the energy of Forgotten Dreams and unfulfilled promises pulsating with a rhythm that resonates only with those in need Sailors and Wanderers who have drifted too far from their destined paths find solace in its ethereal glow a comforting presence in the shadowy realm they inhabit the Lighthouse Keeper an enigmatic figure Bound by an ancient vow tends to this mystical light ensuring it never falters while the lighthouse remains a mere silhouette to the living its true Brilliance is a beacon of salvation for the lost a testament to the enduring power of home and Hope
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