Venus spins so slowly on its axis that a single day lasts longer than an entire year on the planet imagine watching the sun rise and set just once while the planet completes a full orbit around the sun Venus takes about 243 Earth days to complete one rotation but only 225 Earth days to circle the sun this means if you lived on Venus you'd celebrate a new year before seeing a new day its slow rotation is opposite to most planets rotating from east to west so the Sun would rise in the west and set in the east scientists believe Venus is sluggish spin might be due to its thick atmosphere creating strong winds exerting a breaking effect this bizarre dance of time challenges our understanding of day and night leaving us to wonder how such a neighboring world can be so familiar yet so alien
Venus spins so slowly on its axis that a single day lasts longer than an entire year on the planet imagine watching the sun rise and set just once while the planet completes a full orbit around the sun Venus takes about 243 Earth days to complete one rotation but only 225 Earth days to circle the sun this means if you lived on Venus you'd celebrate a new year before seeing a new day its slow rotation is opposite to most planets rotating from east to west so the Sun would rise in the west and set in the east scientists believe Venus is sluggish spin might be due to its thick atmosphere creating strong winds exerting a breaking effect this bizarre dance of time challenges our understanding of day and night leaving us to wonder how such a neighboring world can be so familiar yet so alien
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