last month my family decided to adopt a parrot a vibrant little fellow named Charlie my uncle who has always fancied himself an animal Whisperer insisted that he could teach Charlie to talk birds are easy he boasted as he set up camp in our living room armed with bird treats and an extensive playlist of human phrases for a week he dedicated hours to his self-imposed mission which mostly involved repeating words like hello good morning and inexplicably mortgage we didn't think much of it until one afternoon my dad the family bread winner walked by Charlie's perch and the bird let out an earpiercing mortgage my dad froze wi dyed apparently my uncle's training had worked but only on this one word soon enough every time my dad passed Charlie would scream mortgage like a feathered financial adviser we finally realized that my uncle's true
last month my family decided to adopt a parrot a vibrant little fellow named Charlie my uncle who has always fancied himself an animal Whisperer insisted that he could teach Charlie to talk birds are easy he boasted as he set up camp in our living room armed with bird treats and an extensive playlist of human phrases for a week he dedicated hours to his self-imposed mission which mostly involved repeating words like hello good morning and inexplicably mortgage we didn't think much of it until one afternoon my dad the family bread winner walked by Charlie's perch and the bird let out an earpiercing mortgage my dad froze wi dyed apparently my uncle's training had worked but only on this one word soon enough every time my dad passed Charlie would scream mortgage like a feathered financial adviser we finally realized that my uncle's true
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