so a couple of weekends ago my friends and I decided to escape the city chaos and go camping we packed our gear loaded up the car and drove to this secluded spot in the woods as we unloaded a raccoon with a Boy Scout had emerged from the bushes holding a tiny stick like a walking staff we laughed it off assuming it was a prank by one of us but then this raccoon with a confident Swagger started leading us down a path intrigued we followed half expecting one of our friends to jump out and Shout gotcha instead the raccoon guided us to a clearing filled with forgotten picnic baskets each overflowing with snacks as we gorged on snacks we realized the raccoon was organizing the trash into neat piles like a tiny Camp leader just as we were about to leave the raccoon saluted us with his par and scurried off my friend still
so a couple of weekends ago my friends and I decided to escape the city chaos and go camping we packed our gear loaded up the car and drove to this secluded spot in the woods as we unloaded a raccoon with a Boy Scout had emerged from the bushes holding a tiny stick like a walking staff we laughed it off assuming it was a prank by one of us but then this raccoon with a confident Swagger started leading us down a path intrigued we followed half expecting one of our friends to jump out and Shout gotcha instead the raccoon guided us to a clearing filled with forgotten picnic baskets each overflowing with snacks as we gorged on snacks we realized the raccoon was organizing the trash into neat piles like a tiny Camp leader just as we were about to leave the raccoon saluted us with his par and scurried off my friend still
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